Confidence. We’re not born with it – well, probably not. Like any skill, we build it up over time but many of us however don’t.

We sheepishly slog through life at half-strength, not even close to living up to our full potential, at work, in love, you name it. How sad is that? Truth is, we don’t have the nerve to live our best life. We play it safe. The fear of failing – and being ridiculed for it – is too strong for most.

The good news is it’s never too late to get your shit together and kick start your mojo, so without getting too Stuart Smalley self-help on you, do yourself a favour and accept that you can one day wake up feeling strong, capable and confident. Ready to take on the world. But not without strutting outside of your comfort zone first and often.

Confidence building is a virtuous cycle and no one but you is in the driver’s seat. All you have to do is buckle up and try something you’ve never tried before, something you’re not sure you can do, something that scares you.

Speak in front of a live audience. Take on a 5K. Stand up for yourself when you need to. Then try something else new. Do it again and again until you know deep down in your bones that you’re unstoppable, like there’s nothing you can’t do.

Right, pep talk over and now it’s time for action!

To help you start marching confidently towards your dreams, here’s a fantastic infographic courtesy of Vegas Extreme Skydiving (these guys know confidence!) with an inspiring list of 10 confidence-boosting activities for you to try.

Go on, take the leap. Work your way boldly down the list. I dare you. It’ll only make you stronger.
